Friday, November 14, 2008

Some of you may have noticed

Hi there, i just started this blog here, and i'm in the process of transferring everything from my other wordpress blog, so they are my blogs, i'm not just copying them from elsewhere.
I found that, although i enjoyed the other blog, it is a bit limiting, in so far as pics and video are concerned, or maybe it was just that i'm a bit technically challenged. Infaact i've beeen trying to download a hits counter for this site, with not much success, so if any tech heads out there that want to leave me some advice or even instructions, that would be superb.

I seem to be reaching that point when it si becoming harder to come up with new posts, writers block they call it i think, the girls are still up to their tricks, but they don't seem to ahve any new ones at the moment, so writing abouit the same things, will leave both me and the reader a bit disinterested.

I don't even know if this site is visible to anyone as I seem to have no visitors, where as when I opened the wordpress one, i got 306 views, where is everyone here, is it so big that it takes weeks for anyone to find you?

the chicken keeper.

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