We have increased our breeds kept by 300%, sounds like alot when you put it that way, but infact all we did was get 3 new chicks all of different breeds, than the one, Brown Shavers we already had.
We now have a Black Minorca ( Maria) spanish origins, also lays in the winter which will be great when the others have stopped laying, also we got a Light Sussex ( Dorothy), english breed, and then the last is Betty the Wyandotte Gold Lace origins in America.
I now need to re-erect the run i had just pulled down, as the other birds are free ranging through the whole garden, and a bit through next doors garden too. It is lovely to have a variety of hens, I can see how people start like this and end up with far too many, it must become a bit of a collection obsession,' oh, I must get one of those Silkies they look so fluffy' and so on.
The neighbours kids came over after school with my son, and swapped chicken stories, as they keep White Shavers themselves, which started me thinking, do you start to meet loads of people who keep chickens, when you yourself do, a bit like, when you get a new car, you start to notice others on the road, of the same model.
So on we go, 8 birds now, 5 hens and 3 chicks, I ahven't mentioned that the breeder where we bought the chicks, also breeds pigs, hmmmmmmm?
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