Friday, November 14, 2008

Who is Nobbydamus?

Who is Nobbydamus?

Nobbydamus was Born in Auckland, New Zealand in 2001, he’s a bit of an Odyssey himself. He resides in the body of a 40 year old man, called Robert Davitt Callaghan of Stokenewington, London, England. Nobbydamus looks at life differently, backwards most of the time. Looking at things in reverse often tells another story, it’s not quite as straight forward as looking backwards, if you ‘ll excuse the expression.
So read on to discover the true nature of life, you ‘ll be amazed at what you already knew but didn’t know it, see what i mean, backwards, so is it true that there is no question that you can ask that you don’t already know the answer to?
Nobbydamus performs comedy, giving his slice on life. Not all is as it should be, when Nobbydamus’s mini is reposcessed, and the local vicar is called in for an exorcism. He wonders why he can’t hear the dialogue at the ballet. He has a passion for bowls, of the lawn variety.
Nobbydamus suspects that things are being done, back to front, it appears most governments and council bodies have adopted this approach to running the country or cities we live in, as no doubt most of what they do seems like a step in the wrong direction.
So how can we bring a halt to this, or simply know what’s really going on, well if we start to look at life, in reverse as Nobbydamus does, this may help. Thats why hindsight is so amazing, so imagine having hindsight all the time, you’d know what the outcome already was, and how to be prepared for the situation about to occur, now thats got to help surely, so try it and see what happens, then come back and share your experiences with us here.

Nobbydamus performed at the Classic Comedy Club in Auckland last night, as Rob Callaghan, he says he had a lot of fun.
Nobbydamus will be performing on a regular basis at the classic comedy club, auckland,nz. under the name rob callaghan.
Nobbydamus performed at the classic comedy club tonight, with a mixed response, he said ‘ I over thought the gig’ , which was the main problem as it was supposed to be improvised, however as Nobbydamus has skin thicker than a rhino, he’ll be back next week. Nobbydamus reports of another act he saw, called TERRY FREE, he was a big surprise for the night, like an early visit from Santa.
next date for Nobbydamus 24th November 2008, the classic comedy club 321 queen st, auckland.

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